The question of where the dead go before the resurrection is a complex and controversial one, with different interpretations and views within Christianity. However, there are some biblical passages that shed light on this topic.
One view is that the dead go to a temporary state of unconsciousness or sleep, awaiting the resurrection at the end of time. This view is based on passages such as 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, where Paul writes about those who have died in Christ as "fallen asleep," and John 11:11-14, where Jesus refers to the death of Lazarus as a sleep. This view suggests that the dead are not conscious or aware of anything until the resurrection.
Another view is that the dead immediately enter a conscious state, either of punishment or reward, based on their faith or lack thereof. This view is based on passages such as Luke 16:19-31, where Jesus tells the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, suggesting that there is a great chasm separating the righteous and the wicked in the afterlife. Additionally, 2 Corinthians 5:6-8 suggests that believers are absent from the body and present with the Lord after death.
A third view is that the dead are in an intermediate state or realm, such as purgatory, where they are purified or prepared for their final destination. This view is based on passages such as 1 Corinthians 3:12-15, which suggests that believers' works will be tested by fire, and Matthew 12:32, which refers to a sin that will not be forgiven in this age or the next.
Finally, some hold that the question of where the dead go before the resurrection is ultimately unknown and cannot be fully understood by human minds. This view is based on passages such as 1 Corinthians 13:12, which suggest that our knowledge is limited and partial.
In conclusion, it is important to know that the ultimate end is not the afterlife in heaven or hell terms. It's the final resurrection, and the New Creation. The question of where the dead go before the resurrection is a complex and multifaceted one with various interpretations and views within Christianity. No matter what you believe it does not change the rest of the biblical story. While the Bible offers some guidance on this topic, it is ultimately up to individual interpretation and belief.