We live in a world where we are taught to care only about you. Your truth is the only truth that matters. However, this leaves us callused to the needs and pain of other. Therefore, many people feel alone. The saying, "You might be the only Bible someone reads," carries tremendous truth. Therefore, when people come to us for care and compassion, this is our best shot to help them see the true beauty of God.
I had a pastor tell me one time. It takes 5 years for someone to look to you as their pastor, mentor or even friend. However, that time can be sped up and this process can almost become instantaneous when you walk with someone through a hard time.
“The compassion of caregivers reveals the goodness of creation, humanity, and God.(Doehring, 85)”
In people’s darkest moments they are most open to receive this goodness. However, we cannot just be focused on when people's lives are in disarray, there are many people that are seeking someone to be consistent in their lives. Therefore, we must know that most of the time we must give this care consistently to those we come in contact with. Pastors are not only charged with this mission, but every follower of Jesus is also responsible to carry out caring for others. We are called to be compassionate to those around us.
Most of the time, people are not open to changing their mind, but through consistent care and love, we can change even the hardest of hearts. Churches often prioritize emotional worship moments over investing time in discipleship and caring for people.. This is when the greatest change happens. Many people live their lives with a theology of fear, self doubt, and shame that they miss out on the greatest beauties in life.
We are called to care for those around us, showing them the way to a life of light, confidence, and peace. The way is Jesus! “Grace, hope, trust, and love need to be experienced physiologically through personal and communal spiritual practice that help people compassionately embrace their automatic fear, guilt, and shame with their attendant embodied theologies.(Doehring, 85)”